19 of the Best Motivational Quotes for Employees in the Workplace

Motivational workplace quotes can be a great way to get started as an addition to your internal communication strategy. Below is a list to get you started with some of the best motivational, inspirational, and positive quotes for team building and company culture.
WRITTEN BY: TelemetryTV, 05-16-2020

Is building a positive workplace culture one of your organization's top goals? 

A positive workplace culture has been shown to be linked to improved employee engagement, increased productivity and higher profit margins. These days many job seeking employees are screening potential employers by their company culture and 46% of candidates believe culture is very important in the application process, with a grand total of 88% of job seekers citing it as at least of relative importance.

Motivational workplace quotes can be a great way to get started as an addition to your internal communication strategy. Below is a list to get you started with some of the best motivational, inspirational, and positive quotes for team building and company culture.

Sharing your favorite quotes 

Displaying inspirational quotes for your office, team or even remote workers is easier than ever thanks to the technology at our fingertips. Digital signage is a great medium to display quotes, memos and critical information, TelemetryTV’s free Quote App is a great way to share motivational quotes for employees in the workplace and create a positive organizational culture with inspirational, funny or thoughtful quotes.

The app is pre-formatted so you can quickly get great-looking messages out to your digital signage displays, whether your message comes from a person of history, an academic or industry peer, or even yourself.

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Positive workplace quotes

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” 

- Winston Churchill, British politician, army officer and writer

"Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer."

- Denis Waitley, American motivational speaker, writer and consultant

“The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity.”

- Tom Peters, American writer on business management practices

“Good leadership requires you to surround yourself with people of diverse perspectives who can disagree with you without fear of retaliation.”

- Doris Kearns Goodwin, American biographer, historian and political commentator

Company culture and organization quotes

“Everyone on the team plays an equal role. My role is to create the wave and everyone on our team keeps the wave going.”

– William Wang, Founder, Vizio

“Our secret weapon for building the best culture is open and honest feedback.”

– Gina Lau, Team Operations, HelloSign

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

-  Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft Corporation


“Determine what behaviours and beliefs you value as a company, and have everyone live true to them. These behaviours and beliefs should be so essential to your core, that you don’t even think of it as culture.”

– Brittany Forsyth, VP of Human Relations, Shopify


“Performance more often comes down to a cultural challenge, rather than simply a technical one.”

– Lara Hogan, Senior Engineering Manager of Performance, Etsy


“It’s about getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment & helping to find a way to innovate.”

– Marissa Mayer, President and CEO, Yahoo

Motivational quotes for employees

“It’s about getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment & helping to find a way to innovate.”

-  Marissa Mayer, President and CEO of Yahoo

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."

- Conrad Hilton, Founder of the Hilton Hotels 

“If I had nine hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first six sharpening my axe.”

-Abraham Lincoln

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

-Michael Jordan


"We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.

-Marie Curie


Famous Leadership Quotes

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

-John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States

“Good leadership requires you to surround yourself with people of diverse perspectives who can disagree with you without fear of retaliation.”

-Doris Kearns Goodwin, American biographer, historian and political commentator

“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” 

-Sam Walton, Founder of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” 

-John C. Maxwell

How to get started with digital signage

1. Create a free TelemetryTV account

2. Choose your screens and digital signage hardware

For more information check out the following topics:

3. Create your content using the free Quotes App

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