5 Ways Digital Signage For Schools Can Help Engage Students

We take a look at digital signage for schools and some of the ways educators can use social media to their advantage
WRITTEN BY: TelemetryTV, 10-03-2019

There are nearly 4 billion active social media users—chances are your students and staff aren’t the exceptions. Our advice: embrace it. Here are five strategies you can use to leverage digital signage for schools along with your top social channels to increase engagement and create a more connected campus.

1. Use digital signage for schools to communicate news to your students

Utilizing digital signage for schools allows you to connect with your students like never before. The events of the world outside the classroom is the context that inspires passion and innovation. 

Many digital signage solutions offer apps that can customize a live video news feed from trusted sources like CNN and BBC. This can be paired with tickers displaying school information, and even local information like weather and time. Now that spark of inspiration is just a glance away.and provide students with useful information. 

2. Share positive and informative tweets

Create a positive energy in your community by initiating hashtags on social media that engage your students in educational discussions. 

3. Engage students with video streaming apps

Video has become the number one way to share information in the social media space, with 45% of people watching more than an hour of Facebook or Youtube videos a week. 

Using digital signage for schools allows you to engage your students, staff, and onsite visitors with compelling video content. You can choose to easily display a single video, play videos from your school’s Youtube channel, or stream an entire Youtube playlist.

4. Use digital signage for schools to create a social wall

A Social Wall allows you to display tweets in a grid or scrolling wall format. Link your Twitter account to display tweets by username, hashtag, search, or home timeline, with your own custom background.

5. Use Instagram to share photos

When you use digital signage for schools, you can easily display your school’s feed to keep students in the social mix and up to date on the various goings on at school. Notre Dame High School has done an excellent job of using their digital signage displays to keep their students involved in their school sports games.

The future of communication

Digital signage for schools has proven itself to be the future of communication in education and beyond, schools now have the ability to communicate with students on a level that was never before possible. Taking advantage of this is key for modern educators as students are increasingly expecting content to be delivered in a digital format.

It’s clear that digital signage is here to stay which is great news for educators and students. If you’re interested in using TelemetryTV in your school take a test ride with our free 14 day trial today!

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