Why You Need to Use Digital Signage in Lobby and Foyer

Interested in installing a lobby display system to wow and inform visitors? Here’s how to do it—as well as a comprehensive list of benefits, strategies, and types of content you can display.
WRITTEN BY: TelemetryTV, 04-21-2022

First impressions are everything, as the saying goes. And that certainly holds true in the world of digital marketing. Wowing visitors at the first moment they enter your buildings with digital signage, or seamlessly getting them the information they need without sending them on a wild goose chase is a huge plus.


And that’s truer than ever given our current Covid-19 reality, where things like social distancing, proper hygiene, and wearing a mask are hugely important. So what better way to keep people safe during a pandemic than by displaying useful Covid-19 preparedness messages on eye-catching digital lobby displays?


With that said, if you’re looking to upgrade to digital lobby signage or hotel digital signage during these uncertain times, here’s everything you need to know.



Digital signage in lobby and foyer advantages


Digital signage has a wide litany of use cases, but perhaps the most important these days is lobby signage. It’s the first interaction visitors to your building or office will have with your brand. If you leave a bad impression, they might not come back. But if you give them a smooth and informative experience, they’ll be far more likely to return next time they require the services you offer.


However, a digital signage lobby isn’t just a plug-and-play solution. It requires thoughtful implementation in order to be optimized. That means nailing down the specific goals you want your lobby digital signage to accomplish. Successfully do that and you can expect a wide range of organization-boosting benefits.


Get a modern style


Imagine someone walking into your building or office and seeing a network of bold digital screens, displaying flashy and exciting content. Now imagine the opposite. A lobby of boring traditional signage, with the feel of another less technologically advanced generation. Which is more memorable? The answer should be obvious.


So deck your lobby out with visually appealing digital signage and it’s much more likely visitors and potential employees will associate your company with success.

Make content differ


A digital signage lobby has the potential to drastically improve the guest and employee experience. That’s why it’s the main reason so many companies are adopting lobby digital signage systems.


Put simply, it gives businesses the ability to quickly and effectively deliver information to those who need it right when they enter the building. An effective digital lobby foyer answers the question before it’s ever asked.


 Share more information with clients


A digital signage lobby is also a great way to keep both visitors and employees connected with your company in more meaningful ways. How? Well, digital lobby displays are much more dynamic than static lobby signage. They also have the ability to be interactive.


That means displaying things like company data, brand-building content, digital maps, and other information will be much more noteworthy, and much more likely to be digested.


Getting started


If you’re interested in upgrading to digital lobby signage, sign up for a 14-day free trial of TelemetryTV and find out how it can enhance and add value to your lobby.  

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